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Behind closed doors

membru din 25 November 2022

Behind closed doors

                    أنا أفجر لك قبل...       
                  „I blow you a kiss, but after the kiss
                do you know what follows, my dear?
                 something the wind cannot bring to you,
                   فقط القليل من الدموع/  Only a little tear.”

³⁰ᵗʰ⁴  ‘Remember your goal.’
³⁰ᵗʰ⁴  ‘Remember your goal.’
¹ˢᵗ⁵  ‘Validate your own journey.’
¹ˢᵗ⁵  ‘Validate your own journey.’
²ᶰᵈ⁵  ‘Progress over perfection.’
²ᶰᵈ⁵  ‘Progress over perfection.’
³ʳᵈ⁵  ‘Mindset is the best power.’
³ʳᵈ⁵  ‘Mindset is the best power.’
⁴ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Enjoy the beauty of becoming.’
⁴ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Enjoy the beauty of becoming.’
⁵ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Upgrade life in silence.’
⁵ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Upgrade life in silence.’
⁶ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Trust the timing of life.’
⁶ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Trust the timing of life.’
⁷ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Grace over grudges.’
⁷ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Grace over grudges.’
⁸ᵗʰ⁵  ‘It takes courage to bloom.’
⁸ᵗʰ⁵  ‘It takes courage to bloom.’
⁹ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Turn pain into power.’
⁹ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Turn pain into power.’
¹⁰ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Prioritize peace of mind.’
¹⁰ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Prioritize peace of mind.’
¹¹ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Chase the light in you.’
¹¹ᵗʰ⁵  ‘Chase the light in you.’

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